Bugs... bug me!

For the first time in months there are ants roaming about our home, invading the kitchen sink, benches and the microwave. I just defrosted some sausages and as I was resting a hand on the bench managed to unknowingly squish an ant. Result: call me the ant queen. >insert insane laughter here< Now, I don't have anything against the concept of these little insects, but they are way too invasive, and somewhat forgetful. Cute as the smaller varieties are, they serve no real purpose in our home.
Now one creature that I adore, are those tiny jumping spiders that are only slightly bigger than the head of a needle. We have a bunch of them in our home, spinning their fine webs about the place, which we usually knock down, and dancing about the benchtops. They have some nice markings as well. Did I mention that they love to jump back and forth across my fingertips without getting ticked off? This makes me suspect that they don't mind our presence close by. They look at us with those big arachnid eyes and seem to trust us. So cute...

