Spiders A-Lurking

Huntsman spiderImage via Wikipedia The other night something rather amusing happened, or should I say, to somebody else. My hubby was sitting on my desk chair talking to his sister on the landline when I noticed a rather large huntsman spider dropping down from the ceiling from one of its butt-strings. When I got control of my senses I yelled out a warning. It was a foot above his head by this time and as soon as I shouted it dropped quicker. The hubby quickly jumped up, slinging the phone to the floor, and the little invader promptly took a perch on his jumper. "Where is it?" he asked. I told him quickly and he did this rather funny dance and hand flicking maneuver that sent the arachnid across the floor to where I squished it with my booted hoof. The critter was rather large at nearly six inches across but I have seen much larger huntsman spiders.

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ajbarnett said...

Wow! What do those things EAT? Birds?

Miladysa said...


