Frogs in Winter

I just found a bronze bush frog hopping around on the concrete floor of our shed. It is winter here so the poor little fellow was forced out of semi-hibernation by the wet weather. Another unfortunate problem was the fact that certain unused portions of our house (storage areas) were covered in dust bunnies so his skin was chockablock full of fluff. His poor nose was dark from the lack of moisture as well.
All in all he wasn't in a good way, so I gently removed the layer over his skin and gave him a bit of a bath to loosen up the rest of the rubbish. Knowing that he would be in the same boat if he stayed inside (even in the warmer environ) I picked him up and stuck him in the overgrown grass of my unkempt garden. As I bid him farewell I hoped that if I ever saw him again he would be outside kicking it with his homies.

